FGBC: Builders Respond to Growing Interest in ‘Florida Green’

NAHB’s report, Housing Preferences of the Boomer Generation: How They Compare to Other Home Buyers, asked home buyers across four generations – millennials, Gen Xers, baby boomers and seniors – what features they consider essential/desirable in a new home.
Energy-efficient strategies, including ENERGY STAR appliances and windows and above-code insulation made the most-wanted list and would positively influence the purchase decision of 80 percent or more of all home buyers. Water-efficient features were also cited as essential/desirable by 72 percent of respondents.
Builders are responding to this interest by increasingly incorporating these strategies in new home construction. Unlike other national and international certifications, Florida Green Building Coalition (FGBC) are only standards developed with Florida-specific criteria. They address Florida’s hot-humid climate, environment, unique topography and natural disasters.
Homes certified Florida Green by the Florida Green Building Coalition have raised the bar for sustainability and resiliency. With over 17,200 certifications since being founded in 2000, FGBC is by far the largest certifier of green homes, residential communities and local governments in the state. Homes must meet a minimum threshold in each category to achieve certification.
FGBC’s five certifications provide pathways to build green homes, developments, local governments, high rises and commercial buildings. The process, including low builder fees, is often more affordable than other certifications. The free market aspect of FGBC certifiers keep costs low.
For more information on Florida Green building contact the Florida Green Building Coalition at info@floridagreen.org, visit www.floridagreenbuilding.org call (407) 777-4919.