City Officials, Local Elected Officials and Community Stakeholders Break Ground on Mixed-Use Development in East Harlem

Pictured L.-R. Eric Enderlin (Acting Commissioner, HPD), Richard Froehlich (Acting President, HDC), Diana Ayala (Council Member, 8th District), Nilsa Orama (Community Board 11 Chair), Kristin Miller (President, The Richman Group), Matthew Washington (Deputy Borough President), Rachel Loeb (COO, EDC), Barry Krinsky (Director, Citi Community Capital), Michael Milazzo (Vice President, Merchants Capital) One East Harlem Will Create Nearly 300 Units of Affordable Housing, Cultural, Retail and Open Space to East Harlem EAST HARLEM, NY – The Richman Group Development Corp., Bridges Development Group, Monadnock Development LLC, Hope Community Development Inc. and El Barrio Operation Fightback, collectively the developer of One East Harlem, are pleased to announce the next phase and groundbreaking for One East Harlem. The groundbreaking was celebrated Thursday morning with Council Member Diana Ayala, Deputy Borough President Matthew Washington and members of Community Board #...