DeLand Earns Florida Green Building Coalition Gold Certification

DELAND, Fla. -- The City of DeLand has announced it has earned gold-level certification under the Florida Green Building Coalition’s Florida Green Local Government designation program. The city initially earned silver-level certification in 2013 and applied for gold certification in early 2018. To receive gold certification the city must meet criteria focused on improving environmental performance in areas such as energy, water, air, land and waste. “Congratulations to the City of Deland. They have renewed their commitment to create and maintain a sustainable community,” noted FGBC Executive Director C.J. Davila. “They are part of a growing list of local governments that have gone “Florida Green” with the FGBC standard. Since the program began 96 Florida local governments have been registered to become “Florida Green.” Unlike other national and international certifications, FGBC are only standards developed with Florida-specific criteria. They address Florida’s hot-humid cl...