Patriot Place in St. Augustine Certified ‘Florida Green’ by Florida Green Building Coalition

S T. AUGUSTINE, Fla . – St. Johns Housing Partnership (SJHP), a nonprofit that develops affordable housing, today announced that Patriot Place has earned Gold Certification under the Florida Green Building Coalition (FGBC) Homes Standard. “We are excited to be part of this important project. Homes for transitional veterans, built on a beautiful infill lot with an incredible live oak for them to sit and relax under,” noted FGBC President Bill Kachman. “To be involved with this project means so much knowing that Patriot Place will be able to house an at-risk or homeless veteran - after everything they have done for our country.” Patriot Place comprises six new, low-income residences to address St. Johns County’s critical need for housing for at-risk and homeless veterans. Residents began moving in at the end of 2023. Green building practices were utilized throughout the construction process to address FGBC criteria such as energy performance; water conservation; site con...