St. Johns Housing Partnership’s Bill Lazar Receives National Award as Weatherization Champion

Danielle McNair (left), Interim WAP Community Program Manager, Department of Economic Self-Sufficiency; Bill Lazar, Executive Director, St. Johns Housing Partnership; Linzi Gano, Weatherization Manager and LIHEAP A/C Program Coordinator, Step-Up Suncoast and Frankie Hernandez, CSBG Community Program Manager, Department of Economic Self-Sufficiency. By Mike Bonts Editor, Green Trends St. Johns Housing Partnership (SJHP) Executive Director Bill Lazar has received the Jean Diggs Weatherization Champion Award (WAP) from the National Association for State Community Services Program (NASCSP). The Jean Diggs WAP Champion Award is presented at the NASCSP Annual Conference to individuals who are true champions for the cause of weatherization. The St. Johns Housing Partnership has been a weatherization provider in Northeast Florida since 1998. “We always want to be at the front end of building industry trends. Our weatherization training has always been a key part ...