Specialized PR and Brand Development Now Available for Commercial Real Estate Firms

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. - - Jacksonville, Fla. based mpbr Group continues to expand its real estate marketing practice by offering public relations and brand development strategy, tools and tactics that are comparable in scope, results and service to larger firms, but at lower fees and costs. From a media release on a deal or hire to pitching the positive impact of redevelopment on urban centers, to unveiling the latest technology that's changing the CRE landscape or announcing mergers and acquisitions, the mbpr Group creates and launches corporate branding, thought leadership and project-specific marketing communications that drive results and help move clients' businesses forward. "The scope of work varies based on needs, objectives and budget. We don't sell, we tell, we inform, we steer influence and persuade by reaching targeted audiences. PR can be many things, but mostly it is about creating timely content. Knowing how and where to connect effectively; it is about...