Water Conservation is Key Element In Achieving Effective Green Building

Water plays a big role in our local communities. Without water there would be no local business or industry. Fire fighting, municipal parks, and public swimming pools all need a reliable supply of water. In addition, water is used for agriculture, manufacturing, energy production, and outdoor recreation. Almost every facet of life in Florida is closely associated with water. According to the U.S. Geological Survey, the average Floridian uses 133 gallons of water each day. Slightly less than half is used inside the home. The rest is used outdoors, primarily for landscape irrigation. As our population grows and the demand for drinking water increases, Florida must build on its water conservation initiatives and expand the use of reclaimed water to extend groundwater supplies. In many areas, utilities will need to develop alternative sources of water to bolster traditional drinking water sources. This increasing demand on our state’s water resources necessitates that sustainable b...