
Showing posts from March, 2016

Solar Energy Systems Can Increase Home Values: The Appraisal Journal

CHICAGO  – Homes with host-owned solar photovoltaic systems are sold at a premium compared to homes without PV systems, according to a study reported in an article published this week in The Appraisal Journal. The Appraisal Journal is the quarterly technical and academic publication of the Appraisal Institute, the nation’s largest professional association of real estate appraisers. The materials presented in the publication represent the opinions and views of the authors and not necessarily those of the Appraisal Institute. “An Analysis of Solar Home Paired Sales across Six States,” by Sandra K. Adomatis, SRA, LEED Green Associate, and Ben Hoen, examines a first-of-its-kind study that uses appraisal methods to compare sale prices of homes with host-owned PV systems across six states to the sale prices of similar homes without PV systems.  The study found that homes with PV systems sold at a premium in all six states and supports the use of cost- and income-based PV pr...

Construction Industry Safety Coalition voices concerns with final silica ruling

WASHINGTON, March 24--The Construction Industry Safety Coalition (CISC) has concerns with the final rule on respirable crystalline silica released today by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA).  It appears, upon initial review, that the 1,772-page final rule contains some of the same problematic provisions that the CISC previously identified and shared with the agency. CISC has been a highly engaged participant in the rulemaking process since OSHA put forth the proposed rule two and a half years ago. "NAHB has long advocated the importance of the rule being both technologically and economically feasible," said Ed Brady, chairman of the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) and home builder and developer from Bloomington, Ill. "While we're still reviewing the final rule, we're concerned that it may not adequately address these issues and take into consideration real-world application." "The construction industry submitted...

Kevin Lee Elected as Chairman of the International Housing Association

WASHINGTON, March 22-- Kevin Lee, chief executive officer of the Canadian Home Builders' Association (CHBA), was installed as the 2016-2017 chairman of the International Housing Association (IHA) during the group's recent annual meeting in Washington, D.C. The National Association of Home Builders serves as the Secretariat of IHA. "During my tenure as chairman, I look forward to continuing to help IHA and its members take action on priority issues facing the housing and the home building industry across the world," said Lee. "IHA provides members the opportunity to collaborate to address common issues and concerns impacting housing, home owners, home buyers and the home building industry on a global level and in each member country."  Since taking the helm at CHBA three years ago, Lee has worked actively with the board and the provincial and local levels of the association to strengthen CHBA as the "voice of the residential construction industry....

Single-Family Housing Starts Reach Highest Level since November 2007

WASHINGTON, DC -Nationwide housing starts rose 5.2 percent to a seasonally adjusted annual rate of 1.178 million units in February, according to newly released data from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development and the Commerce Department.  Single-family production increased 7.2 percent to 822,000 units--its highest level since November 2007--while multifamily starts remained virtually unchanged, inching up 0.8 percent to 356,000 units.   "This month's report is consistent with positive builder sentiment and other economic indicators showing that the housing market continues to recover at a gradual pace," said NAHB Chairman Ed Brady, a home builder and developer from Bloomington, Ill.  "February's single-family gains indicate that this sector is strengthening in line with our forecast," said NAHB Chief Economist David Crowe. "As the U.S. economy firms, job creation continues and mortgage interest rates remain low, we should see further...

NAHB: Builder Confidence Holds Steady in March

BRADY WASHINGTON, March 15 - Builder confidence in the market for newly-built single-family homes was unchanged in March at a level of 58 on the National Association of Home Builders/Wells Fargo Housing Market Index (HMI). "Confidence levels are hovering above the 50-point mid-range, indicating that the single-family market continues to make slow but steady progress," said NAHB Chairman Ed Brady, a home builder and developer from Bloomington, Ill.  "However, builders continue to report problems regarding a shortage of lots and labor." "While builder sentiment has been relatively flat for the last few months, the March HMI reading correlates with NAHB's forecast of a steady firming of the single-family sector in 2016," said NAHB Chief Economist David Crowe. "Solid job growth, low mortgage rates and improving mortgage availability will help keep the housing market on a gradual upward trajectory in the coming months." Derived from a m...

Green Building Scholarship Program Announced By the Florida Green Building Coalition

TALLAHASSEE, Fla.  — The Florida Green Building Coalition (FGBC) has recently funded a statewide scholarship program for deserving individuals pursuing careers in green building or related sustainability disciplines. Scholarships are valued at $1,000 per year for each recipient and can be renewed for up to four years. Applications are due by March 31, 2016 for the 2016-2017 academic year. To apply online, visit the Florida Green Building Coalition website a Click on the LEARN tab and select SCHOLARSHIPS. ( Finalists will be announced in May 2016 and awards presented during end-of-year school ceremonies prior to summer vacation. Scholarship recipients will be invited to attend the FGBC annual GreenTrends Conference to be recognized and acknowledged by industry professionals. Each award recipient will also receive a complimentary FGBC membership for one year. “The Board of the FGBC is proud to o...

Updated Appraisal Institute Book Addresses Evolving Scope of Work Concept

CHICAGO - Scope of Work,” second edition, published this week by the Appraisal Institute, assists appraisers in objectively and impartially performing an evolving variety of services.  Identifying the scope of work is the key to any appraisal assignment, and this new edition provides discussions and scenarios that address the varied challenges that can arise.   In “Scope of Work,” by Stephanie Coleman, MAI, SRA, AI-GRS, AI-RRS, illustrations and examples are presented to demonstrate ways in which valuers can apply the scope of work concept. Report templates are provided to help them communicate value conclusions effectively in their appraisal reports. With this essential guide, practitioners will be able to customize their work products and provide their clients with valuation services that meet their needs. “The concept of scope of work has continued to evolve in valuation practice. ‘Scope of Work’ is intended to raise awareness among valuers,” Appraisal Institute Pres...